Twitter Analytics Now Available On iPhone App
Twitter analytics are now available on the iPhone app.
Analytics show users how many impressions their tweets get and charts other engagement metrics, as well as retweets and favorites. So even if a tweet isn't getting retweeted 1,000 times, users can see if people are still interacting with the post.
The new feature launched for iPhone on Monday. To access mobile tweet analytics on an iPhone, users can click on one of their tweets, then tap the "View Tweet activity" beneath the post. After that, the analytics page appears to offer everything that's available on the desktop version. Here's how it looks on the iPhone:
Analytics are only available if you have the most recent version of the Twitter app, and they're only on iPhone (for now, anyway). It's unclear if Twitter is planning to expand the feature to its iPad, Android or Windows apps. Twitter didn't immediately respond to Mashable's request for clarification.
Originally designed for advertisers, Twitter rolled out its analytics interface to marketers, verified users and Twitter Card publishers earlier in the summer. In August, Twitter made analytics available for all users.
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