To permanenly add the needed "Open with..." command to all the right-click file context
menus, you need to apply this Registry tweak. Launch Regedit and go to:


In the right hand pane, you can see the "(Default)" string which has this command line as value:

C:\Windows\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL %1

Double-click on "(Default)", hold the CTRL key and press C (or right-click and select Copy)
to copy its entire command line to the clipboard, and then click Cancel.

Don't make ANY changes at this point!

Now go to:


and highlight the "*" key (asterisk). Right-click on it and select New Key. Name this new
subkey "shell".

NOTE: Don't type the quotes for any of the keys or values mentioned here. Right-click on
the "shell" key and add a new subkey named "openas". Right-click on "openas" and add a
new subkey named "command". Now double-click on the "(Default)" string in the right hand
pane, hold the Ctrl key and press V (or right-click and select Paste) to paste here the
command line you have copied earlier. Click OK and close the Registry editor.

From now on a new "Open with..." context menu selection will appear whenever you
right-click on any highlighted file.

Admin,Cyber Shaft.


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