Hacking Tutorials Video FULL Collection

128 Bit Wep Cracking With Injection!

A Penetration Attack Reconstructed

A Quick and Dirty Intro to Nessus using the Auditor Boot CD!

Adding Modules to a Slax or Backtrack Live CD from Windows

Airplay replay attack – no wireless client required

Anonym.OS LiveCD with build in Tor Onion routing and Privoxy

BackTrack LiveCD to HD Installation Instruction Video

Basic Nmap Usage!

Basic Tools for Wardriving!

Bluesnarfer attack tool demonstration

Bluesnarfing a Nokia 6310i hand set

Breaking WEP in 10 minutes

Cain to ARP poison and sniff passwords!

Complete Hacking Video using Metasploit – Meterpreter

Cracking a 128 bit WEP key (Auditor)

Cracking a 128 Bit Wep key + entering the cridentials

Cracking Syskey and the SAM on Windows Using Samdump2 and John!

Cracking Windows Passwords with BackTrack and the Online Rainbow Tables at Plain-Text!

Cracking WPA Networks (Auditor)

DoS attack against Windows FTP Server – DoS

Droop s Box Simple Pen-test Using Nmap, Nikto, Bugtraq, Nslookup and Other Tools!

Exploiting some bugs of tools used in Windows

Exploiting weaknesses of PPTP VPN (Auditor)

Finding Rogue SMB File Shares On Your Network!

Fun with Ettercap Filters!

How to crack the local windows passwords in the SAM database

How to decrypt SSL encrypted traffic using a man in the middle attack (Auditor)

How to sniff around switches using Arpspoof and Ngrep!

Install VNC Remotely!

Internet Explorer Remote Command Execution Exploit (CMDExe) Client Side Attack (Hi-Res)

Internet Explorer Remote Command Execution Exploit (CMDExe) Client Side Attack (Lo-Res)

John The Ripper 1.7 password cracker Installation Instruction Video

Local Password Cracking Presentation for the Indiana Higher Education Cybersecurity Summit 2005!

MAC Bridging with Windows XP and Sniffing!

Mass De-Authentication using void11 (Auditor)

Metasploit Flash Tutorial!

MITM Hijacking

Nmap Video Tutorial 2 Port Scan Boogaloo!

Sniffing logins and passwords

Sniffing Remote Router Traffic via GRE Tunnels (Hi-Res)

Sniffing Remote Router Traffic via GRE Tunnels (Lo-Res)

Sniffing VoIP Using Cain!

Snort Instruction video – howto install into backtrack

SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding!

Start a session and get interactive commandline access to a remote Windows box!

Telnet Bruteforce

Tunneling Exploits through SSH

Use Brutus to crack a box running telnet!

Using NetworkActiv to sniff webpages on a Wi-Fi network!

WEP Cracking using Aireplay v2.2 Beta 7 (Whax 3.0)

WMF File Code Execution Vulnerability With Metasploit!

WPA Cracking using Aireplay v2.2 Beta 7 (Whax 3.0)


Superbike Magazine 2010 - Full Collection

SuperBike is a monthly British motorcycling magazine. In addition to motorcycles, the magazine features reviews of race bikes, dirt bikes, and others. The magazine generally features a mix of bike and product tests, some technical features, long term test bike reports as well as race features from WSB, BSB and MotoGP racing.


Book Collection

This pack was assembled by our user AnteetnA, credit goes to him! If anyone likes it, go kudos him on irc!
Mind Performance Projects For The Evil Genius.pdf

Green Projects for the Evil Genius.pdf
50 Awesome Auto Projects for the Evil Genius.pdf
Model Rocket Projects for the Evil Genius.pdf
46 Science Fair Projects for the Evil Genius.pdf
Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius.pdf
Mechatronics for the Evil Genius.pdf
Bionics for the Evil Genius.pdf
Electronic Circuits for the Evil Genius.pdf
More Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius.pdf
123 Robotics Experiments for the Evil Genius.pdf
Bike, Scooter, and Chopper Projects for the Evil Genius.pdf
Programming Video Games for the Evil Genius.pdf


Proxy Switcher 2010

Hello friends Just wanted to share that IP changer might somebody need it (for safety surfing)
Im using it and it’s working perfect…


1. Hide your IP address from the web sites you visit.
2. Penetrate bans and blocks on forums, classifields and download sites (rapidshare etc.).
3. Automatic proxy server switching for improved anonymous surfing.
4. Easy way to change proxy settings on the fly.
5. For webmasters – check search engine results from different countries.
6. Fully compatible with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and others.
7. Advanced proxy list scanning and management.



NAT (Network Address Translation)

When the internet was initially created, there was no real shortage of IP addresses. However as internet usage increases an acute shortage of IP addresses was seen world wide. This lead to the emergence of NAT.

Advantages of NAT.

1: Reduces need for IP addresses

2: Improve security basis implementation of networks.

.For example
let us assume that there are 100 employees in an office. Every employee has a phone extension number. There is a receptionist in the office that controls all incoming and outgoing phone calls in the office. Let us call her NAT. Receptionist has a list of employees names and their respective extension numbers. Now let see how incoming  and outgoing calls are handled.

Out going calls: Employee calls the receptionist and then calls the destination number. The person at the destination number will only see the main office line phone number and not the employees inside desk number. This give the employees security and prevents annoying people from calling them. It also allows the office to use one single main office phone number to large number of employees. Hence, reducing the total number of telephone numbers are needed.

A NAT system operates in the same way. All the employees in the office are given a unique internal IP addresses which normally cannot be accessed from outside the network. When a system wants to connect to the internet, then the router assigns the system a public IP addresses that has been bought by the company. The internal IP address of the employees remains protected.


Windows 7 Activation Product keys

Windows 7 Beta 64-bit Product Key

Windows 7 Beta 32-bit Product Key

Here’s a list of 15 Multiple Activation Product Keys (MAK)

Admin,Cyber Shaft

View private Facebook Profiles

In post i will tell you how to view private facebook profiles,This latest hack proves that anyone in the world is able to view anyone’s private tagged pictures,This is why facebook is not privite is still open even after such publicity all over the web.Major security threat.

Have you ever wanted to see pictures of an enemy but you couldn’t because her or his facebook account was set to private. Well thats all going to change because I will show you very simple way to view private facebook profiles

1. Login in your Facebook Account
2. Search for the person
3. Find the persons ID # by Clicking on Send messages
4. Copy and Replace the ID # to the link

http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1234567&id=[Person’s ID]&op=1&view=all&subj=[Person’s ID]

5. Copy and paste the link in your browser
6. You should be able to see 10-20 pictures before facebook denies you access.


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

You might have heard some times that not to give your password or credit card information or any other sensitive information on public computers or on Msn, yahoo etc chats.The reason why you might have heard that the Hackers have some ways to you would have probably heard that hackers have a way to steal your your credit card numbers , passwords etc.

A hacker can use different types of attacks such as Packet sniffing or ARP Poisoning to steal your sensitive information

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the most widely used technology for creating a secure communication between the web client and the web server. You must be familiar with http:// protocol and https:// protocol, You might be wondering what they mean. HTTP protocol is used for standard communication between the Web server and the client. HTTPS is used for a secure communication.


If two users want to have a secure communication they can also use cryptography to accomplish it
For example:
TFDVSF=Encrypted Text
SECURE= Decrypted Text
You might be wondering how i Decrypted it, Here i have used Algorithm=+ for the communication and the key is “1“, What comes after S is T so as you can see that S is converted into T, What comes After E is F to letter E from the word secure if converted into F and so on.

So If the hacker starts sniffing from between he will get Encrypted text and as the Hackerdoes not know the keys so he cant decrypt it, but if the attacker or hacker is sniffing from the starting point so he will get the key and can easily Decrypt the data

Standard Communication VS Secure communication
Suppose there exists two communication parties A (client) and B (server)

Standard communication(HTTP)
When A will send information to B it will be in unencrypted manner, this is acceptable if A is not sharing Confidential information, but if A is sending sensitive information say “Password” it will also be in unencrypted form, If a hacker starts sniffing the communication so he will get the password.

Secure communication(HTTPS)
In a secure communication i.e. HTTPS the conversation between A and B happens to be in a safe tunnel, The information which a user A sends to B will be in encrypted form so even if ahacker gets unauthorized access to the conversion he will receive the encrypted password (“xz54p6kd“) and not the original

How is HTTPS implemented?
HTTPS protocol can be implemented by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), A website can implement HTTPS by purchasing SSL certificate.

Which websites need SSL Certificate?
The websites where a private conversation is occurred, Websites related to online transactions or other sensitive information needs to be protected needs to SSL Certificate

How to identify a Secure Connection?
In Internet Explorer and google chrome, you will see a lock icon Picture of the Lock icon in the Security Status bar. The Security Status bar is located on the right side of the Address bar. You can click the lock to view the identity of the website.

If you are making an online transaction through Credit card or any other means you should check if https:// secured communication is enabled.


Cross-Site Scripting

'Cross-Site Scripting' also known as 'XSS' in short is a kind of vulnerability that exist in era of both web applications as well as os based applications, but in most cases in web applications.You might be wondering why it's known as 'xss' not 'css' reffering to the full form.Well, basically css is already a reserved abbreviation of 'Cascade Style Sheets'.It allows malicious code to be executed on a vulnerable server most probably session hijacking to gain administrator privileges.Xss totally depends on cookies and session and though 'cookies' are known as the backbone of Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability.

Brief Description On The Paper:

The paper is based on the bypassing of filtration of a common web application security hole known as Xss(Cross site scripting). Xss being a common hole is winning attention of webmasters and their concerns about the afteraffects and the danger that can be exploited through a possible xss hole, and because of this most webmasters are patching or acutally it can be said they are filtering and sanitizing common known xss injection strings to deny a malicious input or request to overcome xss holes.

These people think that it's just enough to filter some common known strings and boom that's it, but it's not likely to say that you have 'filtered' the holes with just some common known characters.

Admin,Cyber Shaft.


This is not hacking its just a artilcle which will let you know about the live cams which are active any where which you can see from any where around the world .just google these string and see what happnes.

* inurl:”CgiStart?page=”
* inurl:/view.shtml
* intitle:”Live View / – AXIS
* inurl:view/view.shtml
* inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode=
* inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode=Refresh
* inurl:axis-cgi/jpg
* inurl:axis-cgi/mjpg (motion-JPEG) (disconnected)
* inurl:view/indexFrame.shtml
* inurl:view/index.shtml
* inurl:view/view.shtml
* liveapplet
* intitle:”live view” intitle:axis
* intitle:liveapplet
* allintitle:”Network Camera NetworkCamera” (disconnected)
* intitle:axis intitle:”video server”
* intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl
* intitle:”EvoCam” inurl:”webcam.html”
* intitle:”Live NetSnap Cam-Server feed”
* intitle:”Live View / – AXIS”
* intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 206M”
* intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 206W”
* intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 210?
* inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis
* inurl:”MultiCameraFrame?Mode=Motion” (disconnected)
* intitle:start inurl:cgistart
* intitle:”WJ-NT104 Main Page”
* intitle:snc-z20 inurl:home/
* intitle:snc-cs3 inurl:home/
* intitle:snc-rz30 inurl:home/
* intitle:”sony network camera snc-p1?
* intitle:”sony network camera snc-m1?
* site:.viewnetcam.com -www.viewnetcam.com
* intitle:”Toshiba Network Camera” user login
* intitle:”netcam live image” (disconnected)
* intitle:”i-Catcher Console – Web Monitor”

some BIG fm cameras:

Admin,Cyber Shaft.


To optimize the file system (i.e. for running multimedia applications), open Regedit and go to:


Right-click in right hand pane, select New, and then DWORD. Name this new DWORD (double word)

value "ContigFileAllocSize" (no quotes). Now highlight it, double-click on it, check the Decimal box,

and give it a value of 512. Close the Registry editor and restart Windows.

Admin,Cyber Shaft.


The workarounds detailed below apply especially to owners of 28,800 baud (or faster)
analog modems, to enable the fastest Internet connection supported by these modems,
connecting through the TCP/IP protocol, and using Dial-Up-Networking in Windows 95.
Since Windows 98 comes pre-optimised.

NOTE: MaxMTU + MaxMSS [Win95], IPMTU [Win98], DefaultRcvWindow, DefaultTTL and
cachesize are NOT present in your Registry if you have never used a "MTU tweaker" like
EasyMTU, MTUSpeed, TweakDUN, etc, or added them yourself using a Registry editor like


* Tweak "MaxMTU" + "MaxMSS":

There are two ways of doing this, but NOT BEFORE BACKING UP YOUR REGISTRY FILES:

TCP/IP NetTrans registry keys, you MUST customize YOURS from the below stated values to get similar results):











"MaXMTU" = Maximum Transmission Unit, or MTU (packet size in bytes).

Valid values: MTU = MSS + 40.

Respectively: 256, 576, 1006, 1500 (other values are valid as well,depending on the MTU
used by different ISPs).

Default: 1500.

Recommended: 576.

Data type: string:


"MaxMSS" = Maximum Segment Size, or MSS (segment size in bytes).

Valid values: MSS = MTU - 40.

Respectively: 216, 536, 966, 1460 (other values are valid as well, depending on the MSS used by different ISPs).

Default: 1460.

Recommended: 536.

Data type: string:


To determine EXACTLY which NetTrans keys you need to alter (and NO others), bear in mind that you MUST have this entry:


under EACH of your NetTrans keys you want to modify! Change/add the MaxMTU string ONLY under your NetTrans keys that have "TCP/IP" on the DriverDesc" line! You may have more than one  "000n"/"00nn" NetTrans keys ("n" and "nn" are actual numbers, ranging anywhere from 0 up to 50, depending on your system's Network/Dial-Up settings).

Here there are two possibilities:

A. If you already have a "MaxMTU" entry: double-click on the right hand pane

"MaxMTU" string, and type in 576. Click OK.

B. If you don't have a "MaxMTU" entry: you can add it manually, by double-clicking on EACH of your left hand pane TCP/IP NetTrans 000n/00nn keys and then selecting New -> String value. Name the new string MaxMTU. Double-click on it and give it a value of 576.

Repeat the steps above for ALL your TCP/IP NetTrans keys, to include the recommended values for both MaxMTU and MaxMSS. Restart Windows 95 when done so all changes can take effect.

NOTE: Some ISPs use a default packet size (MaxMTU) value of 1500, so it's a trial-and-error game. To make sure your Win95 Registry TCP/IP settings match the ones used by your Internet provider,  you may need to contact your ISP's support line or e-mail service, and ask them the exact values used for MaxMTU.

Then modify your Registry settings accordingly, to obtain maximum performance.


You might also see modem speed improvements over the Internet by upgrading to these Microsoft free communications updates/patches: A. Windows 95 + OSR2 users:
install the NEW PPP/PPTP/TCP/IP/ISDN Dial-Up Networking (DUN) Upgrade/Security
Patch v1.3 [2.24 MB]:



Windows Sockets 32bit (updated WINSOCK.DLL + WSOCK32.DLL) Upgrade 2.0:

MS WINSOCK Update 2.0 direct download [963 KB]:

B. Windows 98 users: install the NEW Dial-Up Networking Security Patch v4.0

[319 KB]: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q191/5/40.asp


1. I recommend using the new versions of these fine programs, the only ones that (so far)
apply ALL the Win98/95/MTU recommended tweaks described here:

- Rob Vonk's new EasyMTU v3.0, the first, the best and the only freeware
MTU/MSS/TTL/RWIN/COMBoostTime/cachesize/etc tweaking program [357 KB]:
http://members.tripod.com/~EasyMTU/easymtu.zip (RECOMMENDED)

EasyMTU v3.0 now includes FindMTU [a PING tool] to determine EXACTLY the MTU value used by
your ISP/Online Service

- Joseph Burke's new TweakDUN v2.22 [440 KB, shareware]:


- InfiniSource MaxMTU Fix home: http://www.infinisource.com/maxmtu.htm

2. For extensive details/specs on analog/digital modems, Win98/95 communications, TCP/IP,  DUN and more MTU/TTL/RWIN/etc tweaking programs, check out these reference links:


3. READ this Microsoft TCP/IP Knowledge Base Article: "Windows 95 TCP/IP Registry Entries":


Here are the Registry keys that have to be modified to improve my modem Internet access speed:



























"DefaultRcvWindow" = Receive Window (machine's network fill buffer in bytes).

Valid values: (MTU - 40) x n or MSS x n, where n = 2, 4, 6, 8, 16.

Respectively: 1072, 2144, 3216, 4288, etc.

Default: 8192.

Recommended: 3216.

Data type:

- string (Win95):


- DWORD (Win98):


"DefaultTTL" = Time To Live (going over Net hops until destination is reached

in milliseconds).

Valid values: 32, 64, 128.

Default: 32.

Recommended: 128.

Data type: string (Win98 and 95):



MaxMTU + MaxMSS [Win95], IPMTU [Win98], DefaultRcvWindow, DefaultTTL and cachesize are NOT present in your Registry if you have never used a "MTU tweaker" like EasyMTU, MTUSpeed, TweakDUN, etc, or added them yourself using a Registry editor like Regedit. You can do this by modifying registry:

* Tweak "DefaultRcvWindow":

Start Regedit (found in your Windows folder) and go to:


In the right hand pane, look for (or create it if it's not present) this string:


The number you should have is 3216 (Win98/95 default value is 8192). The principle behind this setting is to calculate the optimal value for the DefaultRcvWindow string with this formula:

DefaultRcvWindow = (MTU - 40) x n = MSS x n

Where "n" is anything between 2 and 8 (fiddle with it and find out the best value for your machine, depending on your modem speed and your custom ISP settings). I used MTU = 576 in this example:

DefaultRcvWindow = (576 - 40) x 6 = 3216 respectively:

DefaultRcvWindow = 536 x 6 = 3216

Right-click on the above string, click Modify, and change the number to read 3216, which will default to the recommended calculated value. Exit Regedit and restart Windows when done.

If you find out (after connecting to your ISP with your modem, using the TCP/IP protocol, and then accessing some graphics intensive web sites, and downloading a few large files from the Internet) that a DefaultRcvWindow value of 2144 or 4288 works better on your system, please modify your

Registry DefaultRcvWindow key accordingly.

* Tweak "DefaultTTL":

Run Regedit and look under:


for the string below:


Create the "DefaultTTL" string if it's not already present, and assign it the value of "128" (Win98/95 default is 32). Experiment with your Internet hookup and lower the "DefaultTTL" value to 64 if you get better results. Do NOT type the quotes! Exit the Registry Editor and restart Windows.

Admin,Cyber Shaft.


To modify/reduce hard drive thrashing, open Regedit and go to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer Look in the right hand pane for a "Max Cached Icons" entry.

The default value is (the spaces are required):

Max Cached Icons=4000

You can increase/decrease it and then restart Windows to see if it makes any difference. Also consider running a benchmark utility like Wintune 97, to see your disk drive(s)' performance.

Wintune 97 (free) is available at this Windows Magazine web page:


It is also recommended to edit your SYSTEM.INI file's [vcache] section to

read (SYSTEM.INI is located in your Windows folder):





The above is useful on systems with at least 16 MB of RAM installed. On systems with 8 MB or less,

try these conservative System.ini







On machines with 32 MB or more RAM installed you may want to increase the [vcache] values to

1/6 - 1/4 of your installed RAM. Some trial-and-error might be necessary, depending on your

particular system memory amount. Create a new [vcache] section if it's not already present in your System.ini file. Restart Windows for the changes to take effect. NOTE: The freeware CacheMan v2.5 program for Win98/95 [134 KB, freeware] does this automatically for you, including different options, depending on the amount of your installed RAM:

Admin,Cyber Shaft.


This performance tip applies to ALL end-user/stand-alone Windows 98/95 systems. Right-click on My Computer, click Properties, select the Performance tab and then click the File System button.

Set your machine to "Network Server".

This allocates about 40 KB of RAM to cache the last 64 accessed directory paths and the last 2729 accessed files. The "Desktop" setting caches the last 32 folders accessed and the last 677 accessed files, and takes about 16 KB of memory.

The extra used RAM is worth the file system boost. BUT to make this work, you need to enable the correct Registry values ONLY if you own Windows 95 original retail, or Windows 95a OSR1, upgraded with SP1 (Service Pack 1). Microsoft acknowledges that these settings are written incorrectly into the Registry for the "Network Server" and "Mobile Docking" profiles on most Windows 95 (original retail release) and 95a OSR1 (upgraded) machines. You'll have to manually fix them by editing the Registry to get the expected performance boost BEFORE upgrading your machine to the "Network Server" cache setting!

NOTE: Windows 95 B/C OSR2 and later do NOT exhibit this BUG!

The settings you need to change are found in the Registry under:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\FS Templates\Server

and respectively:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\FS Templates\Mobile

Run Regedit and go to the Server key shown above. Click on "Server", and in the right hand pane you'll see two entries called "NameCache" and


These are their CORRECT hex values:



Don't type the comas in the value fields!

Some older Win95 (retail) systems might need to have DWORD values instead of hex, to apply the CORRECT "Network Server" settings under the same Server Registry key above:



UPDATE: Read the "Incorrect Settings for File System Performance profiles" Microsoft Knowledge Base article: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q138/0/12.asp

to learn how to fix the "Network Server" file system "BUG"!

Admin,Cyber Shaft.


To permanenly add the needed "Open with..." command to all the right-click file context
menus, you need to apply this Registry tweak. Launch Regedit and go to:


In the right hand pane, you can see the "(Default)" string which has this command line as value:

C:\Windows\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL %1

Double-click on "(Default)", hold the CTRL key and press C (or right-click and select Copy)
to copy its entire command line to the clipboard, and then click Cancel.

Don't make ANY changes at this point!

Now go to:


and highlight the "*" key (asterisk). Right-click on it and select New Key. Name this new
subkey "shell".

NOTE: Don't type the quotes for any of the keys or values mentioned here. Right-click on
the "shell" key and add a new subkey named "openas". Right-click on "openas" and add a
new subkey named "command". Now double-click on the "(Default)" string in the right hand
pane, hold the Ctrl key and press V (or right-click and select Paste) to paste here the
command line you have copied earlier. Click OK and close the Registry editor.

From now on a new "Open with..." context menu selection will appear whenever you
right-click on any highlighted file.

Admin,Cyber Shaft.

Facebook Friend Bomber 3.0 + serial

Facebook Friend Bomber 3.0 + serial

Facebook Bot benefits

1. Mass Facebook Amber Alerts (New)

2. Mass Facebook Friend Requests

3. Mass Facebook Friend Messages

4. Mass Facebook Friend Pokes

5. Mass Facebook Wall Poster

6. 100% CAPTCHA Bypass*

7. Single & Unlimited Licenses


 Admin,Cyber Shaft.

Real Hide IP

Did you know your IP address is exposed every time you visit a website? Your IP address is your online identity and could be used by hackers to break into your computer, steal personal information, or commit other crimes against you. Real Hide IP allows you to surf anonymously, change your IP address, prevent identity theft, and guard against hacker intrusions, all with the click of a button.

Key Features

Easily Conceal Your IP Address
Anonymous Web Surfing
Advanced Application Support
Protect Your Identity and Stop Hackers
Un-ban Yourself From Forums, Blogs, Etc...
Prevent websites from tracking your online activities
Quickly delete all Internet Explorer and FireFox cookies
Automatically clear your cookies each time your IP changes

Premium High-Speed Service

Surf faster on our Premium High-Speed IPs with 128-bit SSL encryption support, making your browsing both secure and anonymous. With Premium High-Speed Service, you may select your desired location as either the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany or Hong Kong, and hide your IP with E-mail clients, Instant Messengers, games, and more!

Admin,Cyber Shaft.

Predators (2010) BluRay






Admin,Cyber Shaft.

Microsoft Windows 7 Ghost Ultimate Final MSDN

System Requirements and Info:
If you want to run Windows 7 on your PC, heres what it takes:
*1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
*1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
*16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
*DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver

Windows 7 is the easiest, fastest, and most engaging version of Windows yet. Better ways to find and manage files, like Jump Lists and improved taskbar previews, help you speed through everyday tasks. Faster and more reliable performance means your PC just works the way you want it to. And great features like HomeGroup and Windows Touch make new things possible. Get to know Windows 7, and see how it can simplify just about everything
you do with your PC.

- Download and extract using WinRAR.
- Use NERO to burn the ISO
- Burning speed should not be faster than 4x. Otherwise, it might not work.
- Restart your computer.
- Make sure youve seleceted your DVD-ROM/RW drive as a first boot device
- Using Norton Ghost to install WIN.gho file to active partition.

Its not required, because Windows will be premanently activated.



Admin,Cyber Shaft.

Sim Card Cloning

Before i start off with this guide ..... i would like to make one thing clear .......... SIM CLONING is illegal ..... there have been many cases in india where people have been caught...... for cloning others sims .......... and making calls worth thousands through it ............ recently many gsm operators in india have set up surveillance techniques to trap people who use cloned sims............ So i once again request to everyone that please use this guide for personal purpose only,do not use this guide for cheating ......

First off a little introduction about SIM CARDS.......

Our sim cards contain ......... two secret codes or keys called (imsi value and ki value) which enables the operator in identifying the sim card number and authenticate the customer ...... these codes are related to our mobile numbers which...... the operators store in their vast data base......... it is based on these secret keys that enables the billing to be made to that customer. now what we do in sim cloning is extract these two secret codes from the sim and programme it into a new blank smart card often known as wafer........ since the operator authentication on sims is based on these values..... it enables us to fool the operators in thinking that its the original sim......... this authentication is a big flaw concerning GSM technology.........

Now which sim cards can be cloned

Sim cards are manufactured on the basis of 3 algorithms....... COMP128v1,COMP128v2 and COMP128v3
now an important note currently only COMP128v1 version sim cards can be cloned .... since this is the only algorithm which has been cracked by users......... bear in mind that 70% of all the sim cards we use are COMP128v1...... now which gsm operators use what algorithms..... they are as follows:

Airtel-90% can be cloned

vodafone-75% can be cloned

bpl mobile-90% can be cloned

idea-numbers before Aug 2005 can be cloned newer cards very rare

BSNL- 0% say no - reason not comp128v1 version

OK thats it about the background..... now lets get to the Main Part


a)Sim card Reader (phoenix or smartmouse reader)
b)Plain or Blank silver wafer card or smart card
c)Software to Extract Ki and imsi (Woron scan 1.09 is the best)
d)Wafer Card Programmer (is a hardware chipset needed to programme smart card Millenium 2000VX MAX)
e)Software to make the PIC and EEPROM files (Sim Emu 1.06 configurator by pic-ador)
f)Software to write the PIC and EEPROM files to blank card (card master 2.1)


a)Extracting the Ki and IMSI

first connect the sim card reader to the pc's com port insert your original sim card..... run woron scan 1.06........ click on the menu "card reader" and click settings and select the com port which the card reader is connected to....dont change any thing else in settings.....click ok

if you have a phoenix card reader checkmark pheonix in the card reader menu.....

now click on "IMSI select" on the task menu...... the program will now communicate with the sim card and retrieve the imsi value........ once u got the imsi value..... write that on a piece of paper
now in the same way retrieve the "icc value" and write that down too
now click on "Ki search" now the program hacks the sim and retrieves the the ki value which consists of 32 numbers......... Note that it may take up to 8 hrs to completely get the ki value....... no matter how much faster the comp is...... this is because the sim is only capable of recieving and sending data@9600 bits/sec...
so goto sleep.... for now.....

After u wake up ....make sure u write down the Ki value safely in a piece of paper like u did for the imsi value........ exit woron scan....

yaaahhoooo now u can stand up and proudly say that u hacked the sim

b)Making the PIC and EEPROM files with SIM EMU configurator

first uncheck the A3A8 checkbox under security........... Please dont enable this even from the sim services menu. If enabled, it countsback to zero and when it reaches zero,........ it will corrupt your simcard. In the configurator you can set the number of ADN, FDN and SMS. ...........You can use the formulae ?16448 = (ADN - 51 ) x 32 +SMS x 176 + FDN x 32 must be less than 6480? for silver wafer cards.
Then generate the Hex files forPIC and EEPROM by clicking the Generate Hex file. With this configurator, in addition to the 16 number
slots, you can make the simcard a Motorola Test card too. In 16 in 1 configurator the positions are from
0-9 and from A-F. Each position can be customised by induvidual PIN an PUK codes. finished making the files now next step copy these files to the blank card using the programmer......

c)Write the files to the SILVER WAFER card

Now we have the files to be written to the Silver Wafer card. For this we need the Wafer
card programmer and the software for programming. Here i am using the Millenium 2000VX Max programmer
and the Cardmaster 2.1 software. Connect the programmer and run the software. Select the type
of card you are using. Select the port by clicking setup > port. If the port set by you is correct the red
colour with message on ststus bar changes to yellow and shows no simcard. Insert the simcard and load
the files for PIC and EEPROM in the file to PIC and file to EEPROM fields respectively. Dont change any
other settings. Now you are at the last stage.

Press F3 or click edit > Auto Program. You can watch the
status bar about what is happening. Programming the pic.. programming the eeprom... programming the
pic.... verifying.... and atlast you will get the message that the card is programmed succesfully. Here
you may ask the question why the PIC is programmed again after programming the EEPROM?. The PIC is
first programmed with the eeprom loader to program the EEPROM. then the EEPROM is programmed
through the pic. After that the contents in the pic is erased and the actual file is programmed in the PIC

d) Cutting the smart card into a Sim card...... and settings on the phone

The card which we have made is a 16 in 1 sim card....... means we can store 16 different sim card numbers in one
This is the last step guys...... cut the smart card in the shape of ur sim card...... insert the sim card in the phone.....
switch on the handset...... the phone asks for the PIN..... type ne 4 digit number this is for the first slot 0...... now the phone asks for the PUK code again type ne 4 digit number again for the first slot....... now the phone switches on with no network coverage...... a network error message will appear....... this is usual because........ the main values (ki and imsi) have not entered....... so the network operator cannot authenticate the sim.........

now the Finallee....... u would have noticed by now that a new menu called the "sim emu 6.01" has appeared....... select it......you can see the menus Configure, Select Phone and Information. Select Configure and go to config postion. It asks for the position. You can select any position from 0-9 and A-F. After selecting the position it asks for a PIN and PUK. Always provide different PIN and PUK for each positions. It helps us to switch to a number directly when the handset is switched on. After PIN and PUK it asks for KI,IMSI and ICCID. You can now recall the extracted values from STEP1 and enter it to appropriate fileds.

After doing all this..... u should now posses ur newly cloned sim card


What is Registry and It's Role

What is the Registry?

The Registry has been made out to be a phenomenal mystery probably due to the CLSID keys  alone and as such has inspired a number of books, faqs websites etc. It is very unfortunate that Microsoft has chosen to deal with the Registry and Registry editing as a "black art," leaving many people in the dark as to the real uses of all the settings in the systems. Microsoft's refusal to adequately, and publicly, supply information about the correct settings is extremely frustrating and added further mystery to registry. Certainly, more damage has and will be done because of lack of knowledge than because of too much information.

The Windows Registry is a set of data files used to help Windows control hardware, software, the user's environment, and the "look and feel" of the Windows interface. The Registry is contained in two files in the Windows directory (in NT they are called "hives"): system.dat and user.dat, with backup copies system.da0 and user.da0. The Registry database is accessed with regedit.exe which is in the Windows directory.  Formerly, in older version of windows (before windows 95) these functions were performed by WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI, and other .INI files that are associated with applications.

The evolution of application and operating system control has three distinct levels:

 In Legacy Windows systems, SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI held all the control functions for the operating systems and applications. Essentially, SYSTEM.INI controlled the hardware while WIN.INI controlled the desktop and applications. All changes to drivers, fonts, settings, and preferences would be stored in the .INI files. Any new application that was installed added pointers to the .INI files. Those pointers would then be referenced in the application's code.

Additional .INI files that controlled the applications were added by programmers who needed more control than was available because of the limited size of the WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI files. For example, Microsoft included with Excel a file called EXCEL.INI, which held the options, settings, defaults, and other information critical to making Excel work correctly. The only pointer that was then required in WIN.INI was to the EXCEL.INI path and filename.

The Registry was initially developed as a reference file for data-file associations to applications. It was expanded to include all functions for 32-bit operating systems and applications.

Originally, SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI controlled all Windows and application features and access. It worked well when average users used only a few applications. As the number and complexity of applications grew, so did the number of entries to the .INI files. The downside of this approach, in a growing environment, is that everyone would make changes to the .INI files when applications were added to the system. However, no one ever removed references from their .INI files when they removed applications, so SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI continued to get larger and larger. Each incremental size increase meant slower performance. Even upgrading applications presented its challenges. The upgrade would add entries but never take the old ones away, presumably to ensure compatibility if another program was to access the settings.

Because the maximum size of an .INI file is 64KB, an obvious problem arose. To counter the problem, vendors started supplying .INI files of their own, with just pointers to the specific .INI files in WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI. The downside of this approach was the proliferation of .INI files throughout the system and the hierarchical nature of access. If WIN.INI made a particular setting, and an application's .INI file overrode that setting, who was responsible and where should--or could--a system-wide setting that had priority be made?

The Registry is a set of files that control all aspects of the operating system and how it works with outside events. Those "events" range from accessing a hardware device directly to how the interface will react to a specific user to how an application will be run and much more. It was designed to work exclusively with 32-bit applications, and file size is limited to a about 40MB.

The Registry is complex by its very nature, and on purpose.

What the Registry Does?

The Registry is the data file for all 32-bit hardware/driver combinations and 32-bit applications in both Windows NT and Windows 95. Sixteen-bit drivers do not work in NT, so all devices are controlled through the Registry, even those normally controlled by the BIOS. In Windows 95, 16-bit drivers will continue to work as real-mode devices, and they use SYSTEM.INI for control.

Sixteen-bit applications will work in either NT or 95, and the applications still refer to WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI files for information and control.

Without the Registry, the operating system would not have the necessary information to run, to control attached devices, to launch and control applications, and to respond correctly to user input.

Data File for OS to Hardware/Drivers

The Registry is a database of all the settings and locations of 32-bit drivers in the system. When the OS needs to access hardware devices, it uses drivers, even if the device is a BIOS-supported device.

Non-BIOS-supported devices that are installed must also have a driver. The drivers are independent of the OS, but the OS needs to know where to find them, the filename, the version, and other settings and information. Without Registry entries for each of the devices, they would not be usable.

Data File for OS to Applications

When a user attempts to launch an application, the Registry supplies application information to the OS so the application can be found, the correct data file locations are set, and other settings are available.

The Registry holds information about default data and auxiliary file locations, menus, button bars, window status, and other options. It also holds installation information such as the date of installation, the user who installed the software, the version number and date, and sometimes the serial number. Depending on the actual software installed, it may contain other application-specific information.

Two Types of Control

Although, in general, the Registry controls all 32-bit applications and drivers, the type of control it exercises is based on users and computers, not on applications or drivers. Every Registry entry controls a user function or a computer function. User functions would include the desktop appearance and home directory, for example. Computer functions are related to installed hardware and software, items that are common to all users.

Some application functions affect users, and others affect the computer and are not specifically set for an individual. Similarly, drivers may be user-specific, but, most of the time, they are for general use by the computer. All of the settings discussed in the rest of the book are separated by user and computer.

Some examples of user-type functions controlled by the Registry are

 Control Panel functions
 Desktop appearance and icons
 Network preferences
 Explorer functionality and features

Some of those functions are the same regardless of user; others are user-specific.

Computer-related control items are based on the computer name, without respect to the logged-in user. An example of this type of control would be installing an application. The availability and access to the application is constant, regardless of the user; however, icons to launch the application are dependent on the user logging in to the network. Network protocol availability and priority is based on the computer, but current connections are based on user information.

Here are some examples of computer-based control items in the Registry:

 Access control
 Login validation
 File and print sharing
 Network card settings and protocols
 System performance and virtual memory settings

Without the Registry, Windows 95 and Windows NT would not be possible. They are too complex to be controlled by the older .INI files, and their expansion capabilities allow almost unlimited installation and use of applications. The Registry is, however, much more complex than the .INI files, and understanding how it works, what it does, and how to work with it is critical for effective system administration.

The Registry controls all 32-bit applications and their functions on the system, plus the interaction between multiple applications, such as copying and pasting. It also controls all the hardware and drivers. Though most of the settings are made during installation and through the Control Panel, understanding the Registry is fundamental to reliable and capable management of Windows NT and Windows 95 systems.


GTA Alien City-Anderius

PC | 2010 | ENG | Developer & Publisher: Alien City team | 982 MB
Genres: Action/3D

-Brand new city (location):
-More than 60 new missions
-Replaced all models of pedestrian and vehicular
-New animations
-The original game is required

Minimum System Requirements:
System: Microsoft ® Windows ® XP (with Service Pack 2) or Windows Vista, Windows 7
Processor: Intel ® Pentium ® 2,4 GHz or equivalent Athlon ® 64
Memory: 512 MB
Video Card: 3D-graphics adapter with 64 MB of memory
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 8.0s


Video Course Adobe Photoshop CS5

ideo Course Adobe Photoshop CS5 (2010) ISO
50 video tutorials on the most popular graphics editor Adobe Photoshop CS5 in Russian. In this video course provides a detailed overview of Adobe Photoshop CS5, considered its main features, as well as displaying all the innovations through which the image processing has become more fast and easy.

List of lessons:
An overview of Adobe Photoshop CS5
1. New in Adobe Photoshop CS5
2. Interface
3. Switch the working environment
4. Working with panels
5. Panel History
Working with Files
1. Opening a document
2. Creating a document
3. Saving a document
4. Navigating the workspace
Initial processing of images
1. Working with layers
2. Working with masks
3. Working with channels
4. Working with guides
5. Working with color palettes
6. Image resizing
7. Cropping images
8. Transformation of images
9. Color modes
10. Adjustment layers
11. Fill in view of the contents
12. Puppet strain
Selection Tools
1. Overview of the toolbar
2. Selection. Working with the Magnetic Lasso tool
3. Using the tool Magic Wand
4. Tool Quick Selection
Drawing and shading
1. Tools brush and pencil
2. Tool Color Replacement
3. Tool Meeks brush
4. Tool Eraser
5. Tools gradient and Color
Retouching Tools
1. Tool Healing Brush
2. Tool "Spot Healing Brush
3. Tool Patch
4. Red Eye Removal
5. Tool stamp
6. Tools Blur, sharpness and finger
7. Tools Dodge and Burn
8. Instrument sponge
1. Basic information about filters
2. Filter Gallery
3. Filter Plastics
4. Filters blur
Vector objects and text
1. Tools for working with vector objects
2. Working with Text
3. Styles
Working with 3D-graphics
1. Creating a new 3D-layer
2. Management tools three-dimensional objects
3. Creating a 3D-surface
The ultimate training images to save or print
1. Preparing images for publication on the Web
2. Conservation and optimization for the Web
3. Printing images

Admin,Cyber Shaft.