Get Windows phone For Free

Here is excellent chance for all the students o win a windows phone for free by just doing some small  work and showing your talent. Microsoft organizes a competetion for all the students who are above 18 which is called " I UNLOCK JOY". 

What all you need to do is just make application which can run on windows phone, you can make any type of application in any programming language that you know .Just download the SDK from the microsoft's website .And when you are done just register on APP HUB and submt your application and get them certified as you get any of your three application certified you will win a WINDOWS PHONE FOR FREE.

A special chance for all the womens is that they have to just get any of the one application certified and they will win a WINDOWS PHONE.

NOTE: You need to be a student of any collage and persuing any degree from that collage and you should be above 18.For more easy help if you are DREAM SPARK YATRA member then jst register by your activation key .   

Facebook Cover Picture Style

Well come all to this tutorial which will help you in editing and modifying your cover picture.Give your profile a new look by changing your cover picture and thumbnail picture. 

The size of the cover picture is 851px by 315px that means the width of the picture is 851pixels and the height is 315pixels whereas the size of thumbnail picture is 180px by 180px that is width and height is 180pixels.

You can make your own profile picture in any photo editing software you may use picasa,adobe photoshop or any other software which you prefer.

While editing your picture keep in mind that you make your in .png so that your image is of high quality(HD) so it will give a good look and no colour will or the image quality will be lost. 

For any help you are free to comment

Submit a Guest Post

If any of you is interested in posting a article or want to share your ideas your articles your views it may b related to any technology field .

Your post must be original and not a copied one , any the same must not given to any one else to publish on any other blog.We are just try make gud team for our blog and we need good writers so keep sending your articles. 


You can e-mail your post to us at  mention your post title in the suject bar.
At the end  provide your complete details so that we may contact you futher.

NOTE :  Please keep in mind that there should be least typing errors and the grammar errors. We will be asked to make changes if many errors are found.